3 Things You Can Do to Save Water in the Shower

3 Things You Can Do to Save Water in the Shower

Shower Head

On average, each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day, for indoor home uses. It might surprise you that the largest use of household water is to flush the toilet, and after that, to take showers and baths. We are going to look at some strategies to increase your conservation of water.

1. Switch to a water efficient shower head. Look for a showerhead with a shutoff feature. This genius mechanism cuts water to a trickle while you lather your hair, brush your teeth, or soap up your kids.

2. Spend less time in the shower. Creating a 7-minute shower playlist can jazz up your morning ritual and serve as a useful reminder of when your shower time is nearing an end.

2. Take showers instead of baths. The average bath uses 35 to 50 gallons of water, while an 8-minute shower with the kind of low-flow showerhead we’ve been discussing uses only 20 gallons of water

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